Success StoryTeen Leadership Enhancement
Teen Leadership Enhancement
Author: Jeremy Teal
Planning Unit: Meade County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Enhancing Leadership, Volunteerism, and Public Policy Awareness
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Extension personnel, volunteer leaders, and teens from Extension District 7 were responsible for organizing, planning, and conducting a Teen Retreat for all of Western Kentucky. The planning committee received guidance from 4-H agents and adult volunteers, while allowing teen members to practice valuable leadership skills in deciding themes, educational topics, guest speakers, and logistics. Planning for the event occurs over a 5 month period. Once the retreat began the teens associated with the planning committee took on the role of conducting the program including handling paperwork, making announcements, orientating participants, assisting or teaching classes, and evaluating the program.
Over 92 individuals from Western Kentucky attended the retreat. Participants had the opportunity to take several classes and funshops associated with topics such as team building, leadership, community service, effective communication, and numerous other topics, while forging new friendships. A powerful program and guest speaker from the Humane Society. Over $500 was donated over the weekend to the Humane Society.
Employers greatly value and studies have shown the importance that effective communication, teamwork, and leadership skills have on individuals and their ability to gain employment and function in society. Participants gained and practiced new knowledge and skills. Observation and surveys showed 100% of the planning committee teens practiced and improved their leadership, teamwork, and communication skills and knowledge while conducting and coordinating the event. 100% of the teen committee members taught lessons and/or led activities for their peers.
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