Success StoryGrow Appalachia Food Preservation Class
Grow Appalachia Food Preservation Class
Author: Amanda Howard
Planning Unit: Magoffin County CES
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The Magoffin County SNAP-Ed assistant partnered with the Agriculture and Natural Resource (ANR) Extension Agent, and provided a two day Food Preservation Series through the UK Extension Nutrition Education Program. The Magoffin County Extension Service works with The Grow Appalachia organization and together they address food insecurity for families focused on organic gardening practices. The Grow Appalachia program has successfully created opportunities for fresh produce to be grown and used by families in the program. The ANR Extension Agent and SNAP-Ed assistant saw the need to provide participants with the knowledge and skills of preserving harvested produce for later use. The Food Preservation classes were open to the Grow Appalachia participants and the general public. Twenty-five (25) participants took part in the hands-on classes which included pressure canning, water bath canning, freezing, and drying. An emphasis on food preparation, food safety and proper equipment was also addressed. As a result of the Food Preservation Series, 100% of the participants reported they had learned something new; and, 50% of the participants stated they had been doing at least one or more incorrect practices. In addition, many participants were new to Extension programs; and 100% of the participants stated that they would attend other classes or events hosted by Magoffin County Extension Service. This series was a huge success!
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment