Success StoryForging new relationships in the county program
Forging new relationships in the county program
Author: Kaitlyne Metsker
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: To foster the development of personal and interpersonal skills, stimulate volunteer leadership, and
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
In Christian County, the 4-H program is fortunate to have great relationships with many organizations throughout the county. These organizations will partner with the 4-H program to host a variety of events, including the 4-H Communications Contest. In years’ past the 4-H team has worked with one of the local schools to host the Christian County 4-H Communications Contest. While this has been a great partnership, another facility was needed to meet the needs of a growing program.
Christian County is the home to Hopkinsville Community College and Murray State University-Hopkinsville Regional Campus. When searching for a new host facility, contact was made with Mr. Christopher Cummins at Hopkinsville Community College in regards to potentially using their facility. Mr. Cummins, 4-H alumni and agriculture educator, secured the facility with the number of rooms needed to have the 4-H Communications Contest. Along with securing the facility, Mr. Cummins worked with his students to serve as judges and tabulators for the contest.
As a result of this partnership the Christian County 4-H program was able to hold the Communications Contest in a facility that fulfilled the needs to have a successful event. Also, we were able to introduce 4-H to new volunteers, show youth what the Hopkinsville Community College campus entailed, and place the building blocks to have a relationship with a wonderful resource in our community.
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