Success StoryFetal Programming program
Fetal Programming program
Author: Kevin Perkins
Planning Unit: Trimble County CES
Major Program: Beef
Plan of Work: Beef Cattle
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Being able to bring up to date scientific data and procedures is what Extension is really about. We are able to let the local and state producers come together and learn from the best. This was extremely true when we put together the recent "Fetal Programming" program. Partnering with our Ruminant Extension Veterinarian, Dr. Michele Arnold and Beef Nutrition Specialist from Purina, Dr. Lee Dickerson, that goal was made. While detailing each persons specialities, the clientele was able to get a hand on some great information. Fetal Programming by definition is a concept that a maternal stimulus or insult at a critical period in fetal development has long-term effects on the offspring. Many producer have been in the mind set that what you do with the cow and calf after birth is the most important part. New research shows that appropriate nutrition and vaccinations during pregnancy has a major effect on the calf. Both Dr.Arnold and Dr. Dickerson explained these concepts to the 30 producers from across the state. With future feedback from producers who instated these new procedures, we will be given a better understanding of the benefit of this program.
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