Success Story4-H Members Learn Life Skills While Giving Back Through Civic Engagement Project
4-H Members Learn Life Skills While Giving Back Through Civic Engagement Project
Author: Rebecca Konopka
Planning Unit: Carter County CES
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Leadership Development in Adults and Youth
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Since its inception, 4-H has placed emphasis on the importance of young people being engaged, well-informed citizens. By connecting to their communities and leaders, youth understand their role in civic affairs and are able to expand their role in decision-making processes. It's clear that civic engagement provides the foundation that helps youth understand the big picture of life and learn the skill sets that will allow them to become wise leaders for the 21st century. Carter County 4-H Teen Council members decided they wanted give back to their local first responders while learning new 4-H project and life skills. The 4-H Agent worked with the Extension Summer Intern to schedule three service learning days. 4-H members learned how to properly stain and finish a woodworking project, plant an annual container garden, and how to properly measure ingredients and follow a recipe. After completing the projects, 4-H members delivered them to the twelve first responder stations in Carter County.
Eight 4-Hers participated in the project and in addition to demonstrating woodworking, horticulture, and culinary skills they also displayed their sensitivity to others’ situations and showed concern while helping others.
Of those surveyed after the project:
*100% said they could stain and finish a woodworking project on their own and plant their own annual container garden.
*75% said they planned to use the project skills they learned to complete a similar project on their own.
*100% expressed the satisfaction they felt from giving back to the people of their community.
This service learning project gave 4-H members the opportunity for positive youth development in the four guiding concepts: mastery, belonging, independence, and generosity and allowed 4-H members to illustrate the 5Cs of positive youth development – caring, character, connected, confidence, and competence.
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