Success StoryIsonville Outdoor Gym
Isonville Outdoor Gym
Author: Gwenda Johnson
Planning Unit: Elliott County CES
Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)
Plan of Work: Health, Nutrition and physical Activity
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
According to the CDC, Elliott County has an obesity rate greater than 40%. To face the epidemic, using CDC/UK grant funds, the Partnership for a Healthy Elliott County placed an outdoor gym at Isonville Elementary. According to the principal and teachers at the school, the outdoor gym helped them leverage funding to extend recess time from twenty to thirty minutes. They increased the number of enrolled students participating in outside physical exercise from 75% to 90% daily and to 100% at least three days a week. 80% of the students choose the outdoor gym as their place to exercise, the younger students use the playground which is getting a facelift this summer using the same source of funds.
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