Success StorySmall Ruminant Profit School/Ewe Profit Schools
Small Ruminant Profit School/Ewe Profit Schools
Author: Donald Ely
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Small Ruminants
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The University of Kentucky partnered with Kentucky State University and the Kentucky Department of Agriculture to develop the Small Ruminant Profit School (SRPS) for new and prospective producers.. Objectives were to develop an intensive educational program and a support system for these clientele by creating a network of mentors... Patterned after the ongoing University of Kentucky Eweprofit Schools, 30 hours of instruction in 5 sessions were provided each year for 3 consecutive years. 143 participants and 28 mentors completed the courses. An outgrowth of this model is the current on-line SRPS and continued conduct of "live" Eweprofit Schools. The latter has supplemented SRPS by providing subject matter instruction and application of sheep management techniques. Much of the 43% increase in sheep numbers in Kentucky during the 3 years of SRPS is attributed the the conduct of these schools. The state's industry continues to see increases in hair sheep numbers, increased internal parasite control, and higher lambing rates.
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