Success StoryBee Book Review
Bee Book Review
Author: Tamara Potter
Planning Unit: Entomology
Major Program: Beekeeping
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation.
I have written a review for Albert Chubak's illustrated book, Do You Speak Bee. Chuback's book is an enchanting illustrated explanation of the division of labor among honey bees. He is going to Europe to promote the book. My review will be included in the manuscript, reaching many general audiences and schools.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable). This book will have a global reach. School libraries, beekeeping associations, and general readers will have access to my review.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience. This book has a global reach. School libraries, beekeeping associations, and general readers will have access to my review.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. It is difficult to include evaluation data for a book review because this book is available to global audiences. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.
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