Success StoryRacehorses and Disaster Preparedness Go International
Racehorses and Disaster Preparedness Go International
Author: Roberta Dwyer
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Disaster Preparedness
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico, the San Luis Rey wildfire and other disasters showed racehorses in dire straits on national news broadcasts. The 8th Welfare and Safety of the Racehorse Summit was held June 2018 in Lexington, KY. Disaster preparedness as it related to racehorses was a topic of discussion to the 200 people in attendance and the international audience who viewed via live stream. The presentations are archived on the Jockey Club website for free viewing. Multiple social media outlets and websites reported on the Summit. I presented the opening session on preparing for disasters before they occur which applies to all horse owners and event planners. Emphasis was placed on being aware of common weather issues, capabilities, and making personal, family, and farm/facility disaster plans. Methods to accomplish these were provided including national mental health resources for people involved in disasters.
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