Success StoryAttention on the Kitchen

Attention on the Kitchen

Author: Eugenia Wilson

Planning Unit: Boyd County CES

Major Program: Real Skills for Everyday Life

Plan of Work: Nutrition and Food Matters

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Kentucky consistently lags behind other areas of the United States in key household economic indicators, including: personal income, population living below the poverty line, unemployment, and revolving debt. It is important to acknowledge the impact of current economic conditions on family financial management by teaching real skills for everyday life. 

Boyd County Extension Family and Consumer Sciences program partnered with Snap ED assistant to offer Real Skills for Everyday Life in an interesting format helping the participants take a look at how they spend (waste) money on kitchen gadgets that have great marketing to lure them to purchase.   Real Skills for Everyday Life teaches budgeting, goal setting, and ways to reduce expenses. 100% of participants reported improved knowledge of their own expenses; how to cut spending; and save for emergencies. All participants practiced creating a budget and setting goals for their expenditures for the next three months. 100% of participants felt they would use what they learned and made a commitment to further review spending plan and take action. Many participants stated that after the class they felt more in control of their resources and how to manage finances. 

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