Success Story4-H Camp
4-H Camp
Author: Shelley Meyer
Planning Unit: Harrison County CES
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Plan of Work: Fostering leadership through educational opportunities that build and nurture effective and engaged
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
4-H Camp is designed to build youth development skills in multiple areas including the four key concepts of mastery, independence, generosity, and belonging as well as increase individual interests, social aspects, and physical activity. However, the cost of attending 4-H camp and youth being unfamiliar with overnight camping experiences had minimized participation in the past.
Pendleton County 4-H partners with multiple groups in an effort to maximize the overall camping program. Community financial supporters lowered the cost of 4-H camp for all campers. 4-H worked with the health department in conducting lice checks for summer camp as well as the school staff and 4th grade teachers to make overnight 4-H Environmental Camp a possibility for all 4th graders which is held at the same camp ground.
Over the past 7 years, Pendleton County has steadily increased its summer camp numbers which well exceed the numbers of attendees prior to the current 4-H Agent. This year, 115 from Pendleton County camped (113 white, 1 Asian/ Hispanic and 1 Black), which is 17 more than the previous year and 35 more than 2 years ago.
Early promotions, visits to every 4th and 5th grade classrooms, incentives with early bird deadlines, advertisement on a local billboard, 4-H newsletter and local paper contributed to increased participation. Additionally, Clover Bud and Environmental Camp over the past 6 years promoted the excitement of a week-long 4-H Summer Camp experience.
Campers gained an independence from home, made decisions on their own, and interacted in a socially acceptable manner with other 4-Hers, teens and adults. Campers selected the activities/ classes that they wanted to participate in. Campers learned or improved skills while working with trained or certified leaders. 85% of campers tried an activity that was new to them. Each day the campers were involved with more than 60 minutes of vigorous physical activity ranging from hiking, swimming, dancing and more.
Junior counselors were given tremendous amounts of responsibility and demonstrating their dependability, maturity, leadership and conflict resolution skills. One mom quotes about her daughter’s enthusiasm over her junior counselor named Courtney, “Rissa has not stop talking about Courtney since she has been home. I think part of why she likes 4-H camp so much is because of her counselors! Courtney is her biggest role model.”
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