Success StoryFarmers Market Improvements 2024
Farmers Market Improvements 2024
Author: Jessica Morris
Planning Unit: Wolfe County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Agriculture Production, Diversification, & Sustainability
Outcome: Initial Outcome
This past season we have made lots of improvements to our Wolfe County Farmer's market that lead to increased sells and a better selection of fresh local produce for customers (our local community members). For years we have received complaints about not knowing when the market was open and not having enough fresh local produce to purchase using the WIC & SFMNP vouchers.
The first item we tackled was getting them more organized. They all were in agreeance so that they could be eligible for Double Dollars grant in 2025. A Famer's Market sales committee was formed and a Market Manager was selected. The market manager and the county ANR agent, did some minor face lifts and made some of the spaces functional so that more sellers would fit under the market top. In addition some buntings were installed and a few flowers were planted to make the space more inviting.
In an attempt to draw people into the market, we started hosting Farmers Market Friday events a couple times a month. On those days, we would make sure all farmers knew we were going to be there. Samples were passed out. Farm Bureau set up and passed out veggie bucks for anyone to receive to get $10 free at the market that day. Farm Bureau payed the producers directly. The vouchers from Farm Bureau added $1,000 in revenue to the producers. Producers recorded doubled sales ranging from $1,000- $2200 on Farmers Market Friday sales.
This year Wolfe County SFMNP received $5,000 initially and then received an additional $2500 in funding for seniors in our community to spend at the market. These vouchers were able to be redeemed at any farmers market but a great portion was spent here in Wolfe County. Our staff assistant reached out to each of the 150 that received them, reminded them of their balance and encouraged them to spend them before the deadline.
Our last effort included creating a Facebook page. At each market, their was a post made saying who was there and what produce that they had available that day. This helped draw in people so that they knew what was available before they went to the market. Our staff assistant and market manager managed this page.
By making these changes we have been very pleased with the positive feedback we have heard from both the Producers and the Community clients. We hope that we can make slight changes in the future to increase once again!
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Stories by Wolfe County CES
Farmers Market Improvements 2024
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment