Success StoryShooting Sports Fuels 4-H Engagement and Leadership
Shooting Sports Fuels 4-H Engagement and Leadership
Author: Kelly Woods
Planning Unit: Oldham County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Protecting Water and Natural Resources
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation.
The Oldham County Shooting Sports program experienced a rebuilding year in 2023. In 2024, after coaches were in place and certified, the program growth continued with 83 members. The new coaching staff, 4-H Council, and Agent established goals to involve Shooting Sports members in all facets of the program and build upon the leadership opportunities.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).
The Program Coordinator recruited a coach, and a 4-H leader involved with 4-H outside of the Shooting Sports program to work directly with the leadership team. Agent worked with leadership to promote additional 4-H opportunities and supported all efforts. The club elected officers and began meeting monthly to plan civic engagement and fund-raising opportunities for all Shooting Sports members. During the year, club members participated in three restaurant fundraisers, two county trash collection days, card sales, solicited an archery donation from Cabela’s, held monthly meetings, recruited teen coaches, and hosted the Shooting Sports Award Banquet. These events were made possible by Club Officer efforts.
Other partners (if applicable):
Oldham County 4-H Council
Oldham County Extension Council
Cabela Sporting Goods
Hockersmith Farms
Bowling Farms
Ballardsville Baptist Church
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.
Youth (83) ages 9 to 18 participating in 4-H Shooting Sports, Coaches and families
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.
The 4-H Shooting Sports program is demonstrably impacting overall 4-H participation by fostering leadership and providing meaningful civic engagement opportunities. A recent example highlights the program's success: the 4-H Shooting Sports membership not only planned and executed their annual banquet with over 90 attendees but also celebrated the contributions and achievements of its members and leaders. This event underscores the program's ability to cultivate responsibility and community.
Facing the need for equipment replacement, the Shooting Sports club proactively addressed the challenge. Through a combination of restaurant fundraisers, business solicitations, a silent auction, grant writing, and a county-wide trash road collection, substantial funds were raised. These resources were strategically utilized to purchase new archery equipment and allocate funds for future range development, showcasing the members' commitment and resourcefulness.
Furthermore, the Shooting Sports program's impact extends beyond recreational activities to encompass civic engagement. Members recently organized a Toy Drive during the holidays, bringing joy to less fortunate children. They also designed and created cards to support a local nursing home event, demonstrating their dedication to community service.
A key aspect of the program's success lies in its commitment to fostering leadership among its members. Teen Shooting Sports Coaches have actively participated in 4-H Camp and other teen leadership programs. Two teen coaches recently taught classes at 4-H Camp, one instructing archery and the other fishing, both reaching over 160 youth over a three-day period. Another teen serves as an intern at the Extension office, while yet another has risen through the ranks of 4-H to the State Teen Council. His sentiment exemplifies the program's transformative power:
"I joined our county’s shooting sports program, which became a transformative experience. It gave me the chance to develop as a person, meet inspiring leaders, and take on leadership roles within the club. From there, my 4-H journey truly took off. I became involved in summer camp, joined Teen Club, and recently reached the State Teen Council, a milestone I’m incredibly proud of. Looking back on everything I’ve gained through 4-H, I’m excited for the future and eager to continue growing, learning, and contributing to this amazing program."
This quote encapsulates the positive impact of the Shooting Sports program, illustrating how it fosters personal growth, leadership skills, and a strong sense of community within the broader 4-H framework. The program's focus on both skill development and civic responsibility creates well-rounded individuals poised for success in all endeavors.
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