Success StoryGreen River Area Leadership Class
Green River Area Leadership Class
Author: Evan Tate
Planning Unit: Hancock County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Plan of Work: Developing Leadership, Life Skills, and Volunteer Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Leadership has long been recognized as the reason some communities advance while othersstruggle to maintain the status quo. The Green River Area counties are home to alarge number of engaged and motivated agricultural producers who are recognizedas leaders among both their peers and elected officials at the state andnational level. This notoriety does notoccur overnight. Formal and non-formal education,dissatisfaction with present circumstances, and willingness to embrace changerather than avoid it keeps our farmers active in agricultural leadershipcapacities as well as advisory boards of education, financial, and healthcare institutions.
Leadership development is anongoing effort in Cooperative Extension. The Cooperative Extension AgriculturalLeadership Experience was conducted in the winter of 2018. During the course of four sessions,participants were trained to better understandhow personalities influence relationships and decision-making skills. They met with leaders at the local, state,and national level to discover the path to effective leadership. Dr. David Kohl spoke to the class discussingthe megaforces directing a change in agriculture which early careerfarmers should be aware.
The class visited Frankfort during the general assembly, followed by a trip toWashington D.C. to meet with our elected officials and commodity organizations. Their goal was to share concerns that faceearly career farmers and to gain a better understanding of how the legislativeprocess affects their businesses in regards to labor, taxes, and farmpolicy.
A survey was completed by participants following the program. Each stated that all subject areas met ourgoals for the program. Some of theparticipants have already accepted opportunities to serve in leadership rolesas a direct result of this program.
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