Success Story4-H Homeschool Club Community Service Project
4-H Homeschool Club Community Service Project
Author: Emilee Bryant
Planning Unit: Powell County CES
Major Program: Civic Engagement
Plan of Work: Improving Leadership Skills
Outcome: Initial Outcome
4-H Homeschool Club members identified a need for a group in the community. Members found that the clients who attend the Foothills Active Day Center (ADC) had minimal visits from other community programs and were in need of items for the upcoming holidays. The Foothills Active Day Center is dedicated to providing valuable resources and personalized care, they support individuals aged 21 and above facing physical or memory challenges. Active Day Services have been serving families for decades, offering an alternative to institutional care for individuals who require assistance but may not need 24-hour skilled nursing. The program offers comprehensive health, social, supportive, and therapeutic services in a community-based setting.
The Cloverbud and 4-H homeschool club partnered with KY River Foothills. This group manages the Foothills Active Day Center. The Club worked with center director, Mindy Bowen, to plan a community service project and visit to their site.
During their December Club meeting, 14 members created handmade Holiday cards to deliver to all ADC clients. With the help of the director, some additional needs for clients were identified. Older club members used this meeting to construct fleece tie blankets for 4 clients. Following the meeting, 8 youth club members were able to attend the site visit. These members spent the afternoon visiting with clients and completing a cooking decorating activity with each one. They also delivered the holiday cards, poinsettias donated by the 4-H council, and the fleece blankets.
14 youth members total worked on their civic engagement skills by identifying these community needs. 8 youth members were able to also improve their leadership and communication skills by leading the activity with clients and communicating to a new audience individually. In total, this club project impacted 24 ADC clients.
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