Success StorySay No to Tobacco
Say No to Tobacco
Author: Ryan Spicer
Planning Unit: Breathitt County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Recovery – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Describe the Issue or Situation.
According to the CDC, If cigarette smoking continues at the current rate among youth in this country, 5.6 million of today’s Americans younger than 18 will die early from a smoking-related illness. That’s about 1 of every 13 Americans aged 17 years or younger who are alive today. To combat this issue in Breathitt County the 4-H agent for 4-H Youth development designed an educational program to deliver information to youth about the different types of tobacco, and their effects on the human body.
Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).
The agent presented this lesson at the Breathitt County Day Treatment/ Group home facility after being contacted by facility staff that identified this as being a big issue in their youth populations. The agent met with 25 youth for the program.
Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.
25 youth, (18 white, and 7 black) that are students at the Breathitt County Day Treatment Group Home.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.
All 25 youth completed a survey after the presentation, and 100% of the youth identified that the information was informative, and 76% identified that they plan to make lifestyle changes on tobacco usage after the viewing the presentation. The agent feels that this presentation was a success and plans to continue educational experiences like these at the facilities with these youth.
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