Success Story4-H Communications Program A Success
4-H Communications Program A Success
Author: Brian Good
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Communications & Expressive Arts
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Many students experience nervousness when speaking in front of others. This apprehension can stem from a fear of being judged, making mistakes, or forgetting what to say. As a result, they may feel anxious and struggle to express their thoughts clearly. It is important to address this common issue to help students build confidence and improve their public speaking skills. With practice and support, they can learn to manage their nerves and communicate more effectively in front of an audience.
At Bell Central School Center, the 8th grade communications program has made significant strides in enhancing students’ speaking and listening skills. Throughout the multi-day program, students focused on three essential components: public and assertive speaking and active listening.
As part of the curriculum, each student was tasked with preparing and delivering an elevator speech. This exercise required them to convey their thoughts and ideas in a brief, engaging manner. Presenting in front of their peers not only encouraged them to refine their public speaking abilities but also helped them build confidence in expressing themselves.
Teachers have observed a noticeable improvement in students' engagement during classroom discussions following the program. Many have remarked that students are exhibiting greater comfort and enthusiasm when it comes to speaking in class and participating in group activities. Overall, the program has been beneficial in fostering a more communicative and supportive classroom environment.
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