Success StoryStrengthening Communication Skills
Strengthening Communication Skills
Author: Alissa Ackerman
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Leadership Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
When meeting new people or presenting information in front of a small or large group, many children and adults experience fear and anxiety. Strong communication skills can come in handy when interviewing for jobs and completing daily tasks, such as ordering food at a restaurant or visiting the dentist. In order to enhance communications skills and with discussion amongst Clay County 4-H Council members, the 4-H Agent implemented 4-H communication lessons in school clubs across the county.
As a result of the lessons, hands-on activities, discussions and opportunity to participant at the local 4-H Speech and Demonstration Contest, 256 4-H members received information on how to improve and strengthen communication skills. 33 students across the county participated at the local 4-H Speech and Demonstration Contest, 4 members participated at the Area Communications Day, and 2 participated at State Communications Day. Many students expressed feeling more comfortable and confident when speaking in front of their classmates. Teachers also reported positive feedback and expressed students’ improvement.
As a result of evaluations, students reported:
-70% reported that they had never given a speech before this event
-95% indicated that they had improved their public speaking skills
-93% reported that they gained confidence through public speaking
-96% reported that they felt more comfortable presenting a topic in front of the class
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Stories by Clay County CES

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