Success StoryHomemakers Lead The Way
Homemakers Lead The Way
Author: Rebecca Miller
Planning Unit: Bell County CES
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Plan of Work: Develop Individuals for Volunteer Roles
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
The Bell County Extension Homemakers Organization is a very important part of this community and to the Bell County Extension Service. When our community is in need or a disaster occurs, community leaders know they can call on the Bell County Homemakers and the need will be met. With over 90 members, this group continues to improve the quality of life to the citizens in Bell County and surrounding counties through their leadership. They volunteer, donate time and items to non-profit organizations, and teach classes that share talents and skills with others.
For the 2024 homemaker year projects included:
- Homemakers reported 1,745 volunteer hours for Extension, KEHA, community and personal at a value of $57,585 to the community.
- Bell County Homemakers have awarded two $500 scholarships to students in the community wanting to further their education, thus having a long lasting effect on their future.
- Collected pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.
- Donated money to benefit ovarian cancer research at the University of Kentucky
- Donated food to local elementary schools, food pantry’s and colleges to fight hunger.
This year the Bell County Homemakers hosted the annual Wilderness Trail Area Homemaker Meeting. Seven counties came together to encourage and support each other to be community leaders and serve their club, county, area and state, through community service. During this event they entered cultural arts items that will now go on to state to be judged and raised over $300 to the American Cancer Society Hope Lodge.
Because of these efforts and the hearts of giving homemakers, our county is a better place and ensures that the people in our area are supported and their needs met. One member stated “Because of homemakers, I have taken on new roles and have become a leader that I never thought I could be and do a job that I never thought I could do.”
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment