Success StoryHandmade Greeting Cards
Handmade Greeting Cards
Author: Susan Miller
Planning Unit: Boone County CES
Major Program: Artistic & Essential Skill Development
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General issued an advisory about the impacts of loneliness and isolation on overall public health. (Murthy, V.H., Holt-Lunstad, J., et al. (2023). Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation 2023: The U.S. Surgeon General’s Advisory on the Healing Effects of Social Connection and Community.) Social connectedness impacts our physical and mental health, as well as general feelings of life fulfillment. Two recommendations for increasing social connectedness put forth in the report include 1) creating opportunities for inclusive social connection with programs that foster positive and safe relationships, and 2) for individuals to be responsive, supportive, and practice gratitude within personal and community relationships.
In November 2024, Boone County Extension Community Arts conducted a Homemade Greeting Cards program. The goal was to provide a space for individuals to explore and play with creative materials while encouraging social interaction among participants. From the room set-up (table clusters of small groups) to teaching style (asking open-ended questions to invite participant feedback during large group discussion), the program was designed to spark conversation and share ideas among attendees. Other learning objectives included introduction to lesser-known art supplies, using what you can find around your home to create simple yet impactful cards, and best practices for sending greeting cards in the mail.
Twenty-nine adult men and women from the community participated in the program. Participants left with five handmade cards to share with loved ones throughout the year, creating a secondary opportunity to express their gratitude and strengthen connections to others.
Based on a written survey completed at the end of the event, 100% of survey respondents reported that they that they are more likely to give a greeting card to a family member or friend. Additionally, 100% of respondents reported an increase in their confidence to create their own greeting cards. When asked about their greatest takeaway, comments included:
“Just making friends, experience, seeing other’s ideas”
“The friendly atmosphere, super helpful hints and tips”
“Such a great stress reducer, love all the tips!”
“How easy it was to create a very pretty and effective card”
“I can do it!”
“Creative heaven!”
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