Success StoryUse Less, Spend Less, Stress Less
Use Less, Spend Less, Stress Less
Author: Tiffany Bolinger
Planning Unit: Christian County CES
Major Program: Financial Education - General
Plan of Work: Inspiring the adoption of healthy lifestyle choices to improve overall well-being.
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
During the Covid-19 pandemic Extension professionals quickly recognized the financial impacts that individuals and families were facing. University of Kentucky Specialists worked to address these concerns with the “Use Less, Spend Less Challenge.” The challenge combined timely information on financial management with quick tips that individuals and families were “challenged” to implement.
As we have transitioned to life post-pandemic, we acknowledge that while we are back at work, school, and normal day to day activities, there are still challenges to overcome financially and emotionally. University of Kentucky Extension Specialist Dr. Nichole Huff and Agents Tiffany Bolinger (Christian Co.) and Ashley Board (Caldwell Co.) came together to pilot “Use Less, Spend Less, Stress Less” at the 2024 Money Sense for Women Seminar in Christian County. Each of the three Extension professionals presented information on ways to positively impact individual and family finances by using less (resource management), spending less (financial/budgeting skills), and stressing less (relationship management). At the conclusion of the seminar participants were given a copy of the original “Use Less, Spend Less Challenge” and were encouraged to work towards making two or more small changes in each of the three categories.
The Money Sense for Women Seminar was a remarkable success with more than 50 participants in attendance. Of those who attended the seminar, 45 completed an evaluation with 87 percent reporting that they learned something new and 93 percent stating that they plan to make changes based on the sessions taught and knowledge gained.
A third of participants completed the follow-up evaluation and “Use Less, Spend Less Challenge” worksheet and returned them 3-4 weeks later. Of those who returned the follow-up evaluation, 87 percent reported having utilized the information and tools taught during the seminar including using a daily spending diary, identifying personal spending leaks, and using the basic budget builder. Many participants, 80 percent, also reported doing two or more tasks in each of the three categories to complete the challenge.
The “Use Less, Spend Less, Stress Less” pilot program was an immense success. Participants gained knowledge and practical ways to improve their financial and emotional well-being. In response to the positive feedback, Dr. Huff, Tiffany Bolinger, Ashley Board and Kelly May are working to develop a full curriculum package for use across the state.
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