Success StoryIn the Face of Disaster
In the Face of Disaster
Author: Kelly Alsip
Planning Unit: McCracken County CES
Major Program: Emergency Disaster Preparedness - FCS
Plan of Work: McCracken County Residents and Youth Acquiring Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Success Story
Kentuckians have experienced firsthand how natural disasters can occur at any time and often with little warning. Disasters take many forms, and we can feel their impacts across most areas of family life. Because there is no “one-size-fits-all” disaster model, planning community outreach can be challenging. Cooperative Extension is often involved in disaster preparation and response at the local level.
As a result of local needs, Kelly Alsip the County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences, and Gracie Moffit Agent for Agriculture and Natural Resources, in McCracken County Hosted a workshop over two weeks one class a week at the McCracken County Extension. This event focused on protecting your family and home, food and water safety. Several community partners were engaged in this event, including Kathy Hunt, former Purchase District Health Department Disaster Preparedness Coordinator, and Rob Estes local EMS Director. Participants were recruited through Facebook posts, Extension websites, Flyers at local businesses, scrolling sign-out in front of the McCracken County Extension, newsletters, and event calendars. Twenty-three community members participated in the informational session.
Following the event, participants completed evaluations. ___23__ of participants gained a better understanding of steps they could take in preparation of natural disasters. __23___ of participants increased their understanding of how to find reliable resources on disaster preparation and/or response. Further, __23___ of participants can better identify what items they should include in a disaster kit. Most importantly, _21__ of participants reported they intended to assemble a disaster kit that fits their needs and _19___ of participants shared they intended to create a disaster response plan.
Participants specifically shared the most significant things they learned from the event were…….
Be Prepared |
Improve evacuation plan Volunteer for EOC Team |
Bug out Bag |
What and how to pack and get ready |
Prepare for disaster with kit Work on Communication alternatives |
Need paper copy or list in cell phone Keep supplies, medicine, etc. ready to go |
Great information on important issues Thank you, Kelly and Kathy, for being prepared! |
The binder full of information |
Already have emergency kits |
The resources available at the extension office |
Quick leave bag |
Awareness in general |
Solar Charger for cell phone Poison Symbol Extra masks in "Go Bag"Water Shelf Life |
Everything discussed has been extremely helpful |
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment