Success StoryIn Face of Disaster
In Face of Disaster
Author: Nan Montgomery
Planning Unit: Allen County CES
Major Program: Emergency Disaster Preparedness - FCS
Plan of Work: Improve Physical and Mental Health
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Kentuckians have experienced firsthand how natural disasters can occur any time and often with little warning. Disasters take many forms, and we can feel their impacts across most areas of family life. Because there is no “one-size-fits-all” disaster model, planning community outreach can be challenging, and Cooperative Extension is often involved in disaster preparation and response at the local level.
In response to local needs, the County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences in Allen County hosted a workshop to provide essential information. The event focused on protecting families and homes, ensuring food and water safety, managing family finances and resources, addressing trauma, and accommodating aging individuals and those with special needs. Participants were recruited through social media posts, flyers, and newsletters, resulting in 17 individuals attending the program, including three newcomers to Kentucky and Allen County.
After the event, participants completed evaluations, revealing that all 17 gained a better understanding of steps they could take to prepare for natural disasters. Furthermore, 100% of participants reported an increase in their knowledge of how to find reliable resources related to disaster preparation and response. All participants were able to identify items to include in a disaster kit, and they all indicated plans to assemble a disaster kit tailored to their needs. Additionally, 100% of participants expressed their intention to create a disaster response plan.
Participants highlighted their most significant takeaways from the event, which included learning about emergency management systems in Allen County and available mental health resources. One participant noted that, as a newcomer to Kentucky, they appreciated discovering the various resources offered in Allen County.
Stories by Nan Montgomery
In the Face of Disaster
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