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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024



Author: Chad Allen

Planning Unit: Floyd County CES

Major Program: Beekeeping

Plan of Work: Agricultural Education and Production

Outcome: Initial Outcome

        Honeybees are valuable animals. They pollinate about $10 billion worth of U.S. crops and produce about $150 million worth of honey each year. Unfortunately, they face serious new problems. Two kinds of mites that are parasites of honeybees were brought into the United States and have spread rapidly. Tracheal mites live in air tubes inside bees, making it hard for them to breathe. Varroa mites live in bee colonies and feed on developing bee larvae (brood). Both tiny pests attack wild and managed bees and have caused many colonies to die. On top of that, the fierce reputation of Africanized honeybees has attracted negative attention. Many people are working to solve these significant problems.

Bessin, R., Townsend, L.H.. 1996. “Beginning Beekeeping for Kentuckians. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Retrieved 11/04/2024. ENT-41: Beginning Beekeeping for Kentuckians


        The beginning beekeeper school was a vision and developed to address some of the problems that face the declining population of the honeybee and provide the educational resources through experts within this field. A full day of learning was presented, topics included:

  1. So, you want to be a beekeeper
  2. What to expect your first year
  3. Hive components 
  4. Mistakes I made in my first year
  5. Raising queens 
  6. Getting your hives ready for winter
  7. Mite treatments
  8. Honey harvesting 

        The main partners for this training were the Floyd County Beekeepers Association. Not only did they provide their expertise, but they also assisted with registration, meal preparation and serving.  ANR agents from Knott and Perry County also assisted throughout the day.  

             The event drew a total of 65 attendees, including 20 females, 45 males, and 6 children under 5. A pre- and post-evaluation survey yielded insights from 50 participants. Key findings include:

  • 40 attendees currently manage hives (average of 8.85 hives each).
  • All 10 non-beekeepers expressed intent to start keeping hives.
  • 34 participants (68%) plan to start raising their own queens.
  • Every respondent (100%) felt they learned valuable information to improve their hives and increase honey production.

Stories by Chad Allen


about 8 months ago by Chad Allen

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about 9 months ago by Chad Allen

On May 17th, 2024, the Floyd County extension office held a private pesticide applicator trainin... Read More

Stories by Floyd County CES

Floyd County Dinner for Two

Floyd County Dinner for Two

about 10 months ago by Andrea Slone

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Floyd County Senior Citizens continue to Gain Access to Fresh Produce

about 7 months ago by Andrea Slone

In 2019, the Floyd County Farmers Market became eligible to accept the Kentucky Department of Agricu... Read More