Success Story2024 Central Kentucky Hay Contest
2024 Central Kentucky Hay Contest
Author: Joseph Ray
Planning Unit: Boyle County CES
Major Program: Forages
Plan of Work: Home Resource, Financial Business, and Farm Management Education
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Understanding forage quality is essential to developing a balanced nutrition plan for livestock. Hay testing provides critical data that helps producers and Cooperative Extension Agents ensure the nutritional needs of animals are met while minimizing waste and unnecessary costs. Without proper analysis, farmers are left to rely on guesswork, often leading to inefficient feeding practices and wasted resources.
The Central Kentucky Hay Contest was created to address this challenge, fostering friendly competition among producers while educating them on forage test analysis and its economic implications. This initiative, led by 15 Cooperative Extension agriculture and natural resource agents from central Kentucky, aimed to promote the value of hay testing. The agents collaborated to collect samples from their respective counties, which were analyzed by the UK Forage Team. The contest culminated in a banquet and educational program co-hosted by Forage Specialists and Equine Specialists to celebrate the results and share insights with producers. A total of 254 hay samples were analyzed as part of this effort.
Traditionally, hay testing in Boyle County was underutilized, with producers often assuming their hay was of poor quality and supplementing feed based on habit or instinct rather than data. On average, only 2-7 producers implemented hay testing in their operations each year. However, the contest sparked a significant change: Boyle County saw a 68% increase in sample submissions, contributing 17 of the 254 samples analyzed. These efforts yielded impressive results, including two third-place finishes in the grass hay and other hay categories. Boyle County's samples ranked 6th overall in average relative forage quality among participating counties.
The program’s impact extended beyond the competition. On December 16, 2024, the Central Kentucky Hay Contest program was held at the Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office, featuring a banquet and an educational session. Every participant reported gaining a deeper understanding of their hay test results. With this knowledge, producers are better equipped to make informed management decisions, reducing reliance on supplements and ultimately lowering feed costs.
By promoting the value of hay testing and providing actionable insights, the Central Kentucky Hay Contest is helping producers enhance forage quality, optimize feeding practices, and improve the economic sustainability of their operations.
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