Success StoryCamp: Something to Look Forward to
Camp: Something to Look Forward to
Author: Joyce Doyle
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Plan of Work: Adult and Youth Leadership
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
"I have waited 365 days for this day." This was a quote of one of my 4-H members who went to camp for the first time last year. Think about this quote for a second. This girl could not wait to get back to camp and when i talked with her about that statement, her face lit up and she said "there is so much to do here, I always chose new projects, I love meeting new people, I just love camp." As agents sometimes, camp is not our most important program. After all, it is only five days of our 365 day schedule, but when you hear the campers talk and when they cry not wanting to leave North Central, then it is when I realize that hey! camp makes a difference. On Wednesday nights, we have a cook out instead of eating in the dining hall. Another quote that struck me was "I sure hope we have that delicious potato salad.. I can't wait to eat it." This quote might be simple but it was sure not simple to this young lady. When she saw that the potato salad was on the menu, she grabbed her plate and off she went. As I look back at our week which was not the best camping week that we have ever had.. Two days of rain, more home sick children because of "down time",but when we left on Friday, twelve of my campers received awards and the remainder left with memories that will live for a life time. One week can make a difference in the life of a child.
Stories by Joyce Doyle

Growing A Garden
When I go into the classroom and ask the students where their food comes from, 90% of the students ... Read More

Leadership Club with Kindergarten
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Stories by Carroll County CES

Growing A Garden
When I go into the classroom and ask the students where their food comes from, 90% of the students ... Read More

Leadership Club with Kindergarten
Due to so many students at Kathryn Winn Primary being unkind to others, a leadership club was imple... Read More
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