Success StoryCrop Insurance
Crop Insurance
Author: Todd Davis
Planning Unit: Agr Economics
Major Program: Ag Marketing
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The 2014 Farm Bill made crop insurance the foundation for a grain farm’s risk-management program. My educational program teaches farmers and lenders how to integrate crop insurance with price-risk management tools. I received a risk management education grant from USDA-NIFA totaling $49,998 to fund this educational program. This grant funded nine multi-county workshops in January-February 2016.
I have co-directed an M.S. theses research that evaluates how potential reduction in government insurance subsidies or potential limitations on government insurance premium subsidies will affect Kentucky grain farm profitability, the variability of profits, and managerial responses to proposed changes in the insurance program. As Congress works on the new Farm Bill, results from this research will assist farmers in communicating with their legislative delegation on how proposed changes to crop insurance affects profitability and crop-mix.
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