Success StoryBridging Cultures through Agriculture and Technology

Bridging Cultures through Agriculture and Technology

Author: Laura Rogers

Planning Unit: Whitley County CES

Major Program: Small Farm Diversification

Plan of Work: Strengthening Local Food Systems

Outcome: Initial Outcome

The issue centered around the difficulty of engaging underserved Hispanic and small farm communities in Whitley County through agricultural education. Many were unaware of available resources or lacked access to relevant programs. To bridge this gap, the Spanish-to-English Program was launched in February 2024, offering monthly bilingual sessions on key agricultural topics. The program has reached 380 participants, including 279 Hispanic contacts, with many returning each month, demonstrating ongoing interest and commitment. These are not 279 different individuals but repeat attendees, which shows their desire to participate and engage in the sessions.

Held at Si Senior Restaurant, the program covers topics like predator control, soil health, honeybee biology, and drone technology. Key partners at Kentucky State University, with William Rogers leading drone technology sessions, and the University of Kentucky Whitley County Extension Office. This collaborative effort has created an inclusive learning environment, allowing participants—from local youth to highly educated professionals like those from Nigeria—to gain valuable agricultural insights while bridging cultural and language gaps.

The program’s impact is significant. Two local teenagers were inspired to consider drone-related careers, and many participants requested more advanced information, particularly on the effects of drone technology on soil and agriculture. Additionally, previously unaware Hispanic attendees are now actively engaged with the Extension Office’s resources, sharing knowledge among themselves and helping strengthen the local agricultural community.

This has been one of the most rewarding programs to start and see come to fruition as an Extension Agent. I wasn’t sure how it would turn out initially, but it has exceeded expectations. Discussions are now underway to expand this effort by starting a new program at the local university, further advancing agricultural education in the community.

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