Success StoryDigging Deeper: Recommendations for Better Lawn and Environment Health

Digging Deeper: Recommendations for Better Lawn and Environment Health

Author: Sharon Flynt

Planning Unit: Scott County CES

Major Program: Soil testing

Plan of Work: Natural Resources Education, Adaptation, & Sustainability

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Describe the Issue or Situation.

Excess or improperly applied fertilizer is carried through stormwater runoff to creaks, streams, lakes, and rivers and contributes to nutrient pollution. Excess phosphorus promotes rapid and over abundant algae growth in freshwater, which in turn can disrupt ecosystems and negatively impact wildlife, water recreation and the health of people and pets. 

Run-Off Pollution From Lawns is increasing each year as more housing is being built and more  residents are using some type of managed care.  Improperly applied fertilizer (too much, wrong analyses, and wrong timing not only harms the environment but also wastes time, and money. 

Describe the Outreach or Educational Program Response (and Partners, if applicable).

A pamphlet was created to go with soil bags to explain how to take a soil sample for different soil/plant use, such as landscape plants, lawns and turf areas, trees and shrubs, vegetable gardens and fruit trees.   On the flip side of the tutorial, the information from the  UK Cooperative Extension Service program, No P On My Lawn, on when and how to properly apply fertilizers. Also, the tested soil sample is sent out with additional recommendations from the  Agent’s Notes on when and how much to apply i.e., For cool season lawns - YOUR BEST TIME TO APPLY NITROGEN: Late fall -early winter fertilization application is best as it allows the turf to develop a deeper, better root system.  The deeper the roots, the more likely the grass plant will be able to survive hot, dry summer conditions.  Other advantages to autumn fertilization include better recovery from summer-time diseases and stresses, better color during the winter, and earlier green-up in the spring. Apply x lbs./1000 sq ft of 22-0-10 if available to you. If you choose a fertilizer with a different analysis, the amount to apply will need to be re-calculated.

Provide the Number and Description(s) of Participants/Target Audience.

One hundred and forty-three  soil samples were processed for  cool season lawnswith agent’s notes and additional pamphlet information  for each soil bag.

Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. 

Statistical information is still pending to be added at a  later date.  Anecdotal information has been shared such as the quote “We did what you recommended and our lawn has never looked better. It is healthy and green.”

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