Success Story4-H Environmental Camp
4-H Environmental Camp
Author: Madalyn Hale
Planning Unit: Clark County CES
Major Program: Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
The 4-H Environmental Camp program provided by North Central 4-H Camp provides youth in 4th grade an amazing opportunity to learn about the natural world around them while experiencing it first-hand. In Clark County the past 3 years, we have been working to recruit all 4 public elementary schools to attend Environmental Camp. Previously, one public school had attending the overnight camp, and one had attended for one year as an extended day camp. This year, I was able to recruit all four public elementary schools to attend in some fashion.
I worked with the school principals, as well as 4th grade teachers to plan dates and classes for the schools to attend camp. Three out of the four schools came for a day camp, and one camped overnight. Each school chose classes that they wanted their students to participate in and I worked out the schedule to ensure the students were able to experience the classes and learn the most information possible while able to be hands on and get the most out of their trip.
Combined, with all four schools, 357 4th grade youth attended 4-H Environmental Camp
Many of the youth expressed that they had never experienced anything like the camp before, and they were excited to learn. I had several youth thank me for providing them the opportunity to learn about nature while in nature.
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