Success StoryRecovering Your Finances
Recovering Your Finances
Author: Brandy Napier
Planning Unit: Clay County CES
Major Program: Substance Use Recovery - FCS
Plan of Work: Financial Stability
Outcome: Initial Outcome
On March 31, 2022, 46,649 individuals were receiving treatment for substance use disorder (SUD) in Kentucky alone. Studies have shown financial insecurity to be a significant risk factor for SUD. It is evident that financial literacy is of utmost importance in assisting individuals reach and maintain long-term recovery of SUD. Through comprehensive financial education training we can expand the capacity of recovery centers and other partners in the community that work with individuals in recovery thereby reducing the likelihood of return to use.
To address this concern, the Clay County Cooperative Extension Service, in cooperation with Volunteers of America's Recovery Community Center in Manchester, KY, used the Recovering Your Finances curriculum to help build financial capability for those in recovery and thereby improve the efficacy of substance use recovery programs. Topics presented include budgeting, credit, banking, savings, and more. 15 participants have completed sessions 1 and 2 at VOA's Recovery Community Center. The participants are all currently in a residential treatment facility or engaging in aftercare services with VOA.
Participants have been asked to complete an evaluation survey following each session. The response rate has been 100% for each of the two sessions thus far. Of each class’s survey respondents, 100% of respondents indicated an increase in their level of understanding or ability relating to covered topics including financial values, money habits and attitudes, differentiating between wants and needs, and budget preparation.
Based on evaluation responses, participants were receptive to behavior change. 100% of respondents indicated that they plan to consider wants versus needs before spending, create a written budget, and also look for ways in which to increase income and/or decrease expenses.
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