Success StoryFit For Life
Fit For Life
Author: Jamille Hawkins
Planning Unit: Monroe County CES
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Plan of Work: Adopting healthy lifestyle choices for overall well-being
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In Monroe County 23.6 percent of adult residents report poor or fair health and 11.9 percent of adults have diabetes. Monroe county residents reports that 33.6% are physically inactive. Susan Turner, Monroe County 4-H agent and Jamille Hawkins, Family and Consumer Science agent found the need for a program that taught Monroe County residents the connection between nutrition, physical activity and meal planning. The program was called Fit for Life. The programming covered topics such as, meal planning, food journaling, body mass index, incorporating physical activity into your everyday life, and the benefits of group physical activity. When the program began 24 participants registered for the six-week program starting on January 8, 2018 with the group physical activity portion continuing through April 18, 2018. 100 percent of the participants were female. The class was a representation of Monroe county with race, age, socioeconomic status and physical abilities. 87 percent of participants noted they have made healthier changes in their food choices. They have said they eat more fruits and vegetables, limit their sugar intakes, and try to pay more attention to their decisions. 100 percent of all evaluated participants said they have increase their water intake. 75 percent have said they increased their physical activity. One participant lost 16 pounds and attributed that change to the healthier habits learned through Fit for Life participation. Participants walk more, has more stamina, feel better, and has better mobility after their participation with Fit for Life.
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