Success Story4-H SET Club
4-H SET Club
Author: Kindra Jones
Planning Unit: Grayson County CES
Major Program: Science, Engineering, and Technology
Plan of Work: Enhance Life Skills of Youth Through School Enrichment and After School Programs
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Many families with school age children are seeking opportunities for their youth to have hands on science learning experiences. 4-H offers a wide variety of activities that can provide these experiences for the youth; from computer and digital sciences to physical sciences and more, there are experiences that pertain to all interest levels. Parent volunteers in Grayson County recently approached the agent about a 4-H SET Club, led by them and assisted by the agent as needed. The Club began in the spring of 2024 meeting monthly.
After completing the client protection process, the parent volunteers kicked off their club utilizing the NYSD 2023 project- Power Protectors. Through this first activity the youth designed and built models of sustainable energy sources to help Energy Island survive and thrive. They used skills of creativity, problem solving and innovation thinking to build their models. Each month, the club has a lesson in a different SET area. The agent provides the majority of the lessons and materials needed for each meeting per the supplies list of the volunteers. Some meetings the agent is available to come provide the lesson, most recently dissecting owl pellets, which is a focus of science and natural resources.
The club meets monthly during the school year and plans a day camp for the summer break. The audience is open to all youth ages 9-18 as well as Cloverbuds 5-8 years with parent assistance. Parents/Guardians are always welcome to stay, and many do as the lessons and activities are interesting and valuable information for them to learn from as well.
Provide a Statement of Outcomes or Program Impact. Please note that the outcomes statement must use evaluation data to describe the change(s) that occurred in individuals, groups, families, businesses, or in the community because of the program/outreach.
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