Success StoryLincoln County Gardening Community Outrach
Lincoln County Gardening Community Outrach
Author: Jody Paver
Planning Unit: Lincoln County CES
Major Program: Build Engaged and Empowered Communities – General
Plan of Work: Life Skills Development 2020-25
Outcome: Initial Outcome
FCS, 4-H, and AG programs have worked collaboratively with the community garden at the Lincoln County Health Department and the on site Outdoor Garden Classroom at the Lincoln County Extension Office. The garden was used as a teaching garden and allowed 4-H families, and FCS families and seniors involved in the construction of the beds, the filling with dirt, planting, and sustaining the garden. The SNAP Gardening publications were used along with the Healthy Choices Curriculum, Savor the Flavor, and Cooking through the calendar. This garden allowed clients who had gardening or processing questions to see first hand the process and pick items to take home for their families to eat. Seeds and plants were also given out to SNAP families and a connection was made with the local Farmers market: WIC and Senior Voucher programs to enroll families to help increase their fruit and vegetable intake. This was a great learning experience for the office team and community. Plans are being made to make adjustments in the garden beds and crop rotation in the future for a larger outdoor classroom area. A total of 200 participants were engaged in the program throughout the growing season.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment