Success Story2024 Livestock Club Reality Store
2024 Livestock Club Reality Store
Author: Lydia Gosney
Planning Unit: Pendleton County CES
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
Plan of Work: Building a diverse economy that emphasizes the importance of entrepreneurship and small business and community development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
Success Story: 2024 Livestock Club Reality Store
The Problem Many youth involved in 4-H Livestock show and sales have limited understanding of the financial inputs and outputs associated with raising and selling commercial animals. To address this gap, we aimed to provide a more realistic look at the economic aspects of animal husbandry through an engaging and educational experience.
The Educational Program Response
During the Livestock Club Reality Store event, participants drew various money allotments from a hat to simulate different financial starting points. They then had to decide whether to purchase their animal from a stockyard, a local breeder, or a high-end online sale. Each choice came with different cost implications.
Once they purchased their animal (represented by a picture), participants moved around the room to different tables representing equipment and feed dealers. They had to procure the necessary equipment and feed rations while staying within their budget. Adding an element of unpredictability, leaders circulated the room handing out “illness cards” at random, which required participants to allocate funds for vet visits and medicine.
At the conclusion of the activity, participants were presented with current market prices for their species. They then collaborated in groups to ‘scale up’ their livestock operations, observing the differences in inputs and outputs as their number of livestock increased. Additionally, we conducted a cost comparison between what participants received at last year’s 4-H County Fair sale and the realistic market price of their animals, using data from animal record books and recorded sale data.
The Participants/Target Audience The program was designed for 4-H age livestock showmen in the livestock club. These youth were keen to gain a deeper understanding of the financial realities of raising and selling livestock.
Other Partners All livestock club leaders participated as ‘salesmen’ or veterinarians, contributing to the realistic and educational experience.
Program Impact and Participant Response The Livestock Club Reality Store had a significant impact:
- 89% of youth reported not realizing the financial inputs needed for animal husbandry.
- 100% of youth recognized the importance of having emergency funds.
- 72% of youth reported not knowing the realistic market value of their animal prior to this event.
The program successfully provided a hands-on, immersive experience that educated youth about the economic realities of livestock husbandry. Participants left with a greater appreciation for the financial planning and management required in raising and selling livestock, ensuring they are better prepared for future endeavors in animal husbandry.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment