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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryMaster Cattleman - Marketing Session

Master Cattleman - Marketing Session

Author: Kevin Laurent

Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences

Major Program: Beef

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

The problem: Basic education for Kentucky's Beef Cattle Producers covering fundamental areas of beef cattle management and production specifically as it relates to marketing cattle. 

The educational program response: The Master Cattleman Program - Marketing Session presents best management practices to enhance the marketability and value of primarily feeder calves and to a lesser extent market cows and bulls. The two-hour session educates producers on the effect that feeder calf quality, seasonality of prices, lot size, shrink and weaning status has on cattle prices. Producers are presented various strategies to consider to take advantage of market conditions.

The participants/target audience: The participants and target audience for this program was beef cattle producers from across the state. This program included six cohorts comprised of multiple counties, and included: 1) Boyd, Carter, Green, Lawerence, 2) Bourbon, Harrison, Nicholas, 3) Hardin, Larue, Meade, 4) Marion, Washington, Nelson, 5) Shelby, Trimble, Henry, 6) Clinton, Wayne, Russell. 

Other partners (if applicable)

Program impact or participant response: While 363 participants completed the Master Cattleman program this year, post-program evaluations were completed by 188 participants. Participants completing the post program either owned or managed over 13,000 head of cattle, which means the overall impact of the program may have included almost twice that number of cattle based on the survey's 51.7% response rate. However, 82% of survey respondents reported that they were new or had never attended a Master Cattleman program previously.

Participants were asked in the post-program survey to rate their knowledge of various topics from each session before and after the program on a scale of 1 (no prior knowledge) to 5 (Very knowledgeable). 

Specific survey responses for the Marketing session are as follows: Producer understanding of Lot Size Effect on Prices - Pre-program score = 3.06 vs Post program score = 4.47 or a 46% increase in subject knowledge. Producer understanding of Seasonality Effect on Prices - Pre-program score = 2.87 vs Post program score = 4.43 or a 54% increase in subject knowledge. When asked to rate the overall usefulness of the Marketing session on a scale of 1-5, participants response averaged 4.69. 

Stories by Kevin Laurent

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

about 8 months ago by Kevin Laurent

Unweaned bawling calves are at high risk for increased mortality and morbidity when shipped from the... Read More

Beef Quality and Care Assurance (BQCA) Field Day - Owensboro

about 8 months ago by Kevin Laurent

The problem - To ensure the production of a safe and wholesome product for consumers, it is imperati... Read More

Stories by Animal and Food Sciences

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

about 8 months ago by Kevin Laurent

Unweaned bawling calves are at high risk for increased mortality and morbidity when shipped from the... Read More

4-H Equine Task Force

4-H Equine Task Force

about 9 months ago by Mary Jane Little

4-H is one of the leading youth clubs across the United States and Canada. 4-H is the most highly re... Read More

Stories by Beef

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

Advanced Post Weaning Value-Added Program (PVAP)

about 8 months ago by Kevin Laurent

Unweaned bawling calves are at high risk for increased mortality and morbidity when shipped from the... Read More

Master Cattleman Course

Master Cattleman Course

about 8 months ago by Linda Hieneman

According to the 2022 National Beef Audit, large improvements in quality assurance of Beef Cattle si... Read More