Success StoryPre-vet experience day
Pre-vet experience day
Author: Fernanda Camargo
Planning Unit: Animal and Food Sciences
Major Program: Equine
Outcome: Initial Outcome
With the current equine and food animal shortage in the United States and Kentucky, it became apparent that we, not only, need to devote efforts into assisting current pre-vet students to successfully be admitted into vet school, and lead a fulfilling veterinary career, but also need to encourage them to become equine or food animal veterinarians. Only 5% of veterinarians nationwide practice large animal veterinary medicine, negatively impacting farms, animal welfare and well-being and food supply, that number is even lower in Kentucky (approximately 3%). As part of this effort, the Kentucky Horse Council’s Dinner and Discussion Committee, of which I am chair, facilitated a seminar on the subject in November of 2022. Right after that, I created a group and invited local equine veterinarians, and personnel from the Kentucky Chamber, Kentucky Horse Council, Morehead State University, Kentucky Veterinary Medical Association, the Kentucky State Veterinarian, and faculty and staff from the University of Kentucky. I developed a program to expose pre-vet students to multiple careers in the field of veterinary medicine, which was held in February 2024, and has become an annual program.
One hundred students (capacity, event was sold out) from 13 universities (including UC Davis) attended the inaugural program, which consisted of multiple speakers providing sharing their experiences and expertise on subjects such as financial investment, mental health, work/life balance, vet school interviews, etc. The program also offered hands on workshops to expose the students to the fields of food animal, equine, regulatory, research and small animal practices. The event was highly successful, with 100 % of the students reporting it was useful for their future career decisions as veterinarians.
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment