Success StoryTurning Workforce Numbers into Pictures
Turning Workforce Numbers into Pictures
Author: Julie N. Zimmerman
Planning Unit: Community & Leadership Development
Major Program: Community Analysis
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Graphical profiles of secondary data were developed for Mark Mains (UK Extension Workforce Development) for an implementation of the program FORWARD (Future Opportunities for Rural Workforce and Rural Development) in Kentucky. FORWARD is a national Extension program aimed at addressing workforce development in rural communities by working with community stakeholders. Dr. Mains requested secondary data as a ‘conversation starter’ for the local teams to use to begin their initial discussions. Graphical profiles were developed for 3 counties: Letcher, Powell, and Knott.
For each county, I developed a 4-page graphical profile containing a wide array of data across 25 different topic areas. These data were presented using 12 charts and graphs, 4 maps, and 9 or more tables with data specific to that county or schools within the county for a total of 36 charts, 12 maps, and more than 27 tables across the 3 counties. Using data from state and national sources, the profiles used 281 variables and 525 columns of data. In some instances, data were compiled that covered multiple geographies for state and regional maps or multiple years/decades for line graphs so that participants could ‘see’ their county in relation to other counties or how their county has changed over time.
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