Success StoryCity To Farm Tour
City To Farm Tour
Author: Edith Lovett
Planning Unit: Pulaski County CES
Major Program: Local Food Systems
Plan of Work: Leadership and Communication Skills Development
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Sixty-nine “City People” from Pulaski County attended the “City To Farm Tour” to learn how six farmers make their living, living on the farm. For the first time the city people learned how to have their soil tested to see what nutrients may be needed to help their plants grow better. They also visited a meat processing company to see how fresh meats were processed and how they could take advantage of this service. What does 7,000 mums look like growing on a farm, and how do you plant this many? Mums and pumpkins were ready for the city people to purchase, and also learn how to plant the mums.
After visiting the six sites, ninety people joined the farmers and sponsors of the trip for a Farm to table dinner at the Pulaski County Extension Office. All items on the menu were provided by local food producers including beef, pork, chicken and lamb, and dessert of Apple Stack Cake, with apples provided by Haney’s Farm. Touring all the farms make everyone realize how important the farmer is to everyone, and how hard they work each day to provide food for all.
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