Success StoryCapitol Experience leads to Learning
Capitol Experience leads to Learning
Author: Melissa Schenck
Planning Unit: Washington County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Increasing life skills education and leadership excellence for youth and families
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The problem
According to the Pew Research Center, about 66% of Americans voted in the last Presidential election. However, voting turnout is highly inconsistent. Only 37% of eligible Americans reported to have voted in all three of the last national elections held in 2018, 2020, and 2022. The turnout is even less when only local elections are on the ballot.
The educational program response
A lack of understanding of the legal system and belief that their vote makes and impact is believed to contribute to the poor participation. In response, Kentucky 4-H works to facilitate a Capitol Experience program. This program takes 4-H age youth to the State Capitol to meet their legislators, discuss issues most important to them.
Program impact or participant response.
Washington County was represented by eight high-school 4-H'ers. For seven of these youth it was the first time they were able to see the State Capitol and for 6 it was their first experience meeting one of their elected legislators. One youth reported, "When you're little you think you're going to be the next President, then somewhere along the way that slips away and you feel like the people making decisions about the stuff that impacts you are really far off. It was good to be reminded that alot of them are people just like us and came from places like us."
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