Success StoryAnnual 4-H Banquet
Annual 4-H Banquet
Author: Rhonda Jewell
Planning Unit: Caldwell County CES
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Unrelated to a specified County Plan of Work
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Each year, Caldwell County 4-H members that participate in state events and contests are recognized for their efforts and achievements. This is a chance to let our 4-H members shine and share their accomplishments with their family and friends. The banquet is typically held the week of Thanksgiving with attendance growing each year. Five years ago attendance was 85 and in 2023 attendance was 115.
4-H Council members and 4-H’ers themselves take part in the program. A Dessert Auction is held each year to raise money for the 4-H program. Council members supply the desserts and clubs donated baskets and other items to be auctioned off. The auction averages $1,100 and all the proceeds from the auction are donated to the 4-H council and goes back to the kids. The banquet serves a dual purpose, as a fundraiser for the county 4-H program and offers a chance to recognize 4-H’ers and volunteers.
Stories by Rhonda Jewell

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Stories by Caldwell County CES

Social Media Keeps Programs Alive During COVID-19 Pandemic
The Corona Virus outbreak truly rocked the 4-H world, and Cooperative Extensions as a whole. When it... Read More

Grab N Go Bags; Great Outreach during Pandemic
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