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Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Success StoryBingocize®


Author: Amy Kostelic

Planning Unit: School of Human Environmental Sciences

Major Program: Aging-General

Outcome: Initial Outcome

Bingocize® was created by Dr. Jason Crandall, Co-Director/Co-Founder at the WKU Center for Applied Science in Health & Aging. He created the socially engaging group-based game that combines health education and exercise in the format of BINGO. Dr. Crandall and his research team have tested the program and demonstrated that over 90% of older adults who played two times a week for 10 weeks significantly improved physical, social and mental health. Together, Dr. Crandall and Amy Kostelic continue to work together to support Bingocize® within FCS Extension. 

FCS Extension renewed the Bingocize® license for 25 agents in October 2023. Since then, 18 agents have successfully taught and reported on the following Bingocize® units: Exercise, Wellness, Nutrition, Fall Prevention to a reported 470 participants.  

Examples of the program’s success include: 

  • Lee County: The oldest Bingocize® graduate with 100% session completion was 95 years old. 
  • Franklin County: “Participant – E.B would not participate nor engage in conversation with anyone except his brother during the first three sessions of Bingocize. After a little encouragement E.B. was participating and even having small conversations socializing with others at the center.”
  • Franklin County: “Participant – M.S., no longer needs assisted equipment (ie. Cane or walker) when come to the facility).”
  • Franklin County: “Participant – S.G. has been a diabetic for years with other underlying health conditions such a liver failure. A recent visit to doctor A1C is the lost it’s ever been and instead of monthly doctor’s appointments she is schedule for a 6-month follow-up.”
  • Grant County: As a result of the program, participants were moving to harder bands as they got stronger.
  • Letcher County: “Everyone (n = 15) increased their 30-second chair stands by at least 2 seconds
  • Carroll County: “One participant stated their balance had greatly improved since taking the course; one participant stated their pre-existing foot injury had gotten better since taking the course. Seven participants stated they had not fallen since the program began.”
  • Taylor County: Received a Felix Martin Grant to help support the success of Bingocize®
  • Garrard County: “As a result of the program, 100% of the surveyed participants reported feeling more comfortable talking with their health care provider about their medications and other possible risks for falls. 100% of participants reported feeling more comfortable increasing their physical activity. 100% of participants reported an increased satisfaction with life, and 100% reported that they would recommend the program to a friend.  Overall, the program was a great success, and participants were immediately interested in participating in future Bingocize programs and have since returned!”
  • Clinton County: “My folks love Bingocize and would roll from one unit to another without a break if my schedule would allow.  One of my participants shared that her physical therapist loved the idea of her doing Bingocize and that the homework exercises were excellent for her to continue to regain strength and flexibility after a hip procedure.”
  • Clinton County: “I can now help around my house and feel useful and helpful!...Second, the engagement and encouragement from all the other participants and instructor is awesome!! I met and made some new lifelong friends! Third, the accountability is just what I needed. It’s easy to say you’re going to do something but if you have friends that are going through some of the same things and your doing it together helps everyone involved”.
  • Gallatin County: Sit to Stand exercise increased with all 6 participants, weight loss was reported, and Homework Handouts were completed every week by all 6 participants.
  • Woodford County: As a result of this program, 8 participants feel more comfortable talking to health care providers about medications and other fall risk factors. 6 feel more comfortable talking to family and friends about falling. 5 reported feeling more comfortable increasing activity. 8 reported feeling more satisfied with their life and would recommend this program to a friend or relative.  
  • Lewis County: “The greatest information I can share that supports the success of the Bingocize Class is witnessing people who could not stand from the seated position without holding onto something, learned that they could!! I had a 90-year-old lady in one class who was able to keep up with me for SIXTEEN stand-from-a-chair without holding on in 70 seconds.  We did it slowly and extremely controlled. It was amazing.  She was so excited.  Even the men agreed they were much stronger in their legs and especially, shoulders. It was the greatest experience!!!!

The 25 licensed FCS agents are partnering with their local health department, area agencies on aging, senior centers, libraries, long-term care facilities and churches to support the program. Working in collaboration with the Kentucky Division of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (DDID), under the leadership of the University of Kentucky (UK) Human Development Institute (UK HDI), Laken Campbell (Lee County FCS Agent) and Amy Kostelic are serving on the advisory board to review additional Bingocize® curriculum. FCS also partner with the UK Department of Kinesiology to support a monthly  Bingocize® newsletter. This monthly newsletter is sent to approximately 100 health care professionals working in long-term care facilities. The potential reach for distribution is 10,400 people monthly.   



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