Success Story2024- Extension Tree Week Webinar Series, Oct 2023
2024- Extension Tree Week Webinar Series, Oct 2023
Author: Ellen Crocker
Planning Unit: Forestry
Major Program: Forest Education: Health, Management, and Utilization
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Tree Week is a week celebrating all things tree-related that happens each October in communities across Kentucky. Extension agents and specialists contribute to Tree Week in many different ways, from organizing events in their communities to delivering programs to serving on the Tree Week Planning Committee. Several of these include:
Tree Week Webinar Series:
This year, as in past years, the Forestry and Natural Resources Extension Team organized a webinar series (led by Ellen Crocker) to engage people in a broad range. This series featured seven presentations by a range of speakers addressing common tree questions including:
- Monday, Oct 9, 12 pm ET: How Not to Kill a Tree with Amanda Sears, Madison County Extension, and Ellen Crocker, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
- Tuesday, Oct 10, 12 pm ET: Identifying Kentucky’s Trees with Laurie Thomas, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
- Tuesday, Oct 10, 3 pm ET: Best Evergreens for the Bluegrass with Brandon George, Kenton County Extension
- Thursday, Oct 12, 12 pm ET: Managing Forests in the Face of Climate Change, Jacob Muller, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
- Thursday, Oct 12, 1 pm ET: How to Water Landscape Trees Effectively, Kelly Jackson, Christian County Extension
- Friday, Oct 13, 10 pm ET: Invasive Trees, Frannie Preston, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
- Friday, Oct 13, 12 pm ET: Campus Woods, Sustainable Wood Utilization, Chad Niman, Forestry and Natural Resources Extension
Attendance across all webinars was 232 people (between 20 and 50 in each webinar). In a survey of webinar participants (38 responses):
- 100% said the webinar met or exceeded their expectations
- Speakers, topics, and Zoom format were rated highly (most respondents ranking them as excellent)
- 97% said they were likely to attend another webinar in this series
- 50% preferred online meetings, 42% have no preference, and 8% prefer in-person meetings
Positive comments and feedback including ideas for future webinar topics and appreciation for the presentations provided.
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