Success StoryCounty Fair Rewards 4-H Members
County Fair Rewards 4-H Members
Author: Joyce Doyle
Planning Unit: Carroll County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: Adult and Youth Leadership
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
When most people think of the county fair, livestock immediately comes to mind. But so many exhibits are entered that market our year long projects. Of course livestock is important and teaches the members so much about being disciplined enough to take care and work hard to be the best they can be in the ring.
Many projects are completed during the year. Electricity is a popular one where the members make a lamp from the beginning. I have been told that a member's lamp quit working and she was able to repair it from the education she received from the electricity leader. Terry Cauley is our electricity volunteer. Carroll County has been very successful with our electric projects entered in the State Fair. We have had 5 grand champion electric winners.
In our home environment club, a lot of projects are completed. Wastebaskets are decorated, bulletin boards are made, color and texture collages are made, along with many other items. Robin Huffman is a great volunteer who helps with all of our Home Environment projects.
So much is learned from our horticulture club. Since we have added the garden club, more children are interested in horticulture. They made hanging baskets, window sill gardens, house plants, desert dishes and an annual flower garden container. Elizabeth Mefford is our horticulture and garden club volunteer. She is so dedicated that she received her Master Gardner certification this year.
Photography is a class that a lot of children like to take. Our photography club members make money for their club by taking Senior pictures, pictures with Santa at Christmas and pictures with the Easter Bunny at Easter. Look how many photos are going to the State Fair. Twenty one to be exact. Aayme Kindoll is the photography volunteer. Aayme attended the volunteer forum and wrote a grant for special lens for the cameras to make the photos better.
Art, wood science, jewelry, crochet, embroidery, clay sculpture, recycle items, wastebaskets, and numerous other entries are going to state. Without Aayme Kindoll (art), Marie VanDiver (jewelry), Patty Kost (recycle), Elizabeth Mefford (needlework), Phil Habas (wood science), and Robin Huffman (Home Environment) our program would not be as successful.
We had 252 entries in the county fair with 87 entries going to the State Fair. Just think of all of the lessons these members have learned that will last for a lifetime. It is so rewarding to see so many volunteers engage in the livelong learning for Carroll County 4-H members.
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