Success StorySummit on Substance Use, Recovery, and Diverse Populations
Summit on Substance Use, Recovery, and Diverse Populations
Author: Alexander Elswick
Planning Unit: Family and Consumer Sciences
Major Program: Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Outcome: Initial Outcome
In 2019 and again in 2023, the UK CES Statewide Community Needs Assessment identified substance use as the leading programmatic priority in most Kentucky counties. In response, an eclectic team of Extension professionals (Drs. Elswick, Hunter, Huff, Kostelic, and Norman-Burgdolf) hosted a Summit on Substance Use, Recovery, and Diverse Populations. The two-day event hosted Extension professionals from across the state and also offered continuing education credits which attracted community partners and organizations working in the substance use arena. Presentations by seven national experts covered underexplored topics such as substance use and older adults, gender-responsive treatment, and evidence-based harm reduction strategies. The event concluded with a showcase of existing UK Extension programs tailored for people in recovery from SUD as well as overdose response training.
Of the 192 individuals who registered, 172 attended the summit (90% attendance rate). Results from the Summit post-evaluation (N=72), showed that 35% of participants were not affiliated with UK CES and instead represented healthcare organizations, treatment providers, drug courts, housing authorities, and others. Participants reported salutary outcomes as the result of participation in the Summit including: 89% agreed or strongly agreed they improved their awareness of recovery-related barriers faced by diverse populations; 86% agreed or strongly agreed they improved their understanding of the role gender may play in health-focused programming during recovery; and 86% agreed or strongly agreed they felt more prepared to respond to an overdose. In addition to these impactful results, the Summit also provided attendees an opportunity to network with one another; accordingly, 65% agreed or strongly agreed they met others in the field with whom they intend to collaborate in the future. By convening stakeholders in the field to learn from national experts, UK CES further cements itself as the source of useful, evidence-based information.
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