Success StoryUnder the Big Top camp
Under the Big Top camp
Author: Kelly Woods
Planning Unit: Oldham County CES
Major Program: Camping
Plan of Work: Life Skills Development
Outcome: Long-Term Outcome
The problem:
The Oldham County 4-H Camping Program has a unique set of opportunities, this year the camp filled up in 16 days. All camp applications were delivered on the same day across the county, the efforts resulted in 309 campers, thirty-three teen leaders and forty-eight adult leaders, two program assistants and one agent leading to the second highest camp attendance. The problem Oldham County struggles with is securing the funds to cover the cost of additional classes, scholarships, golf carts to locate campers lost trying to find classes and transportation.
The educational program response:
Since Oldham is the only county in attendance our week and we fill the entire camp, our county must take eight county led classes, which is a financial strain on the program. Classes this year included a Food Track focusing on the theme of Under the Big Top where campers learned to prepare carnival foods. The Oldham Certified Archery Instructors taught a second archery class utilizing county owed equipment. The 4-H Adventure Club Leaders taught an outdoor living class learning to start fires, tie knots and build shelters. The Three Ring Circus track offered theme related classes such as magic, juggling and tie dye. The classes were funded by the EDB, 4-H Council and Club Resources. During adult leader interviews, agent recruited teaching staff for classes and reached out to community groups to secure donations to offset scholarship needs and class expenses.
The participants/target audience:
Campers aged 9 to 13, CIT aged 14 and 15, Teen Leaders aged 16 and 17 and Adults 18 and older.
Other partners (if applicable)
Oldham County 4-H Council
Extension District Board
Wilborn Foundation
Interfaith Council
Master Gardeners
Oldham County Farm Bureau
Oldham County Cattleman’s association
South Oldham Rotary Club
Oldham County Homemakers
Oldham County Shooting Sports
Oldham County Board of Education
Program impact or participant response.
Karen absolutely loves every aspect of 4-H, especially 4-H Camp. At an early age Karen’s fondest memories took place at 4-H Camp. Every year when she boards the bus headed to Lake Cumberland for 4-H Camp, her mind goes back in time to the days when life was a little more simple when all she had to worry about was how many people she would sally with and pray she did not tip the canoe.
Karen’s 4-H experiences taught her the importance of community service and giving back to the community. Karen began her 4-H volunteer career over 11 years old with involving 4-H in the after-school program she manages at a school, parents say 4-H runs in her blood. She is constantly looking for new ways to expand 4-H member opportunities and involvement.
In January, Karen starts recruiting for 4-H camp, she recruits campers, teen leaders, adult leaders, parents, she even recruited her school principal to attend 4-H Camp as an adult leader. Karen 4-H involvement does not stop with camp; she is a club leader for one of the Cloverbud Clubs and has in the past led the Photography Club. She was instrumental in establishing summer care 4-H project groups at elementary schools, enabling members to enter completed projects in the Oldham County Fair and State Fair.
Karen serves on the Oldham County 4-H Council and is a member of Oldham County Homemakers. She currently is serving as President of the Oldham County Extension Foundation. At the Kentucky Volunteer Forum Karen received the State Camping Volunteer Award.
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