Success StoryHorticulture Judging

Horticulture Judging

Author: Julia Reid

Planning Unit: Madison County CES

Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources

Plan of Work: Fostering Healthy Communities and Families

Outcome: Intermediate Outcome

Last year was the first year Madison County 4-H offered a Horticulture Judging workshop, and we had limited participation. With growing interest from across the county, we decided to host again this year. We changed the name from Horticulture judging contest, to horticulture judging clinic, in hopes of attracting more youth who are beginners or novices at judging produce. We saw a 200% increase in the number of youth attending from within Madison County, and we saw an increase in the overall number of participants also. We not only invited other counties, but collaborated with two horticulture agents from other counties to manage the clinic. There are 5 sections to the horticulture judging contest- 4 identification sections, and 1 judging section. As a part of the fruit, nut, and berry identification station, and the vegetable identification station, youth were encouraged to try bites of fruits they had never had before. After everyone had rotated through each station, we asked by a show of hands how many youth tried a fruit or vegetable for the first time, and every hand went up! There was even an adult who tried a fruit they were previously uncomfortable with for the first time. Overall, the youth seemed to be very excited about participating in horticulture judging in the future. As a 4-H youth development agent, it was wonderful to see youth try things for the first time, and get the hang of a new skill as the day progressed. I hope we get to continue offering this program for years to come. 

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