Author: Chad Lee
Planning Unit: Plant and Soil Sciences
Major Program: Grains
Outcome: Initial Outcome
A farmer had a field of corn that was showing yellow symptoms on the young plants. I visited the field with the county agent and determined that causes. I provided the farmer with a couple of options to remedy to issue. The farmer followed through with the suggestions and improved the visual health of the plants. The field is yet to be harvested, but the remedy likely added $1600 to the 20-acre field revenue.
Describe the Issue or Situation. 40 years ago, farmers from Brazil visiting the University of Kentuc... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. The Kentucky Corn Growers C.O.R.E. Farmer Program aims to: deliver ... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. 40 years ago, farmers from Brazil visiting the University of Kentuc... Read More
Describe the Issue or Situation. The Kentucky Corn Growers C.O.R.E. Farmer Program aims to: deliver ... Read More