Success StoryFamily Engagement
Family Engagement
Author: Chanda Hall
Planning Unit: Jefferson County CES
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health – 4-H Youth Development
Plan of Work: Educating & Empowering Individuals and Families to Make Responsible Choices and Develop Life Skills
Outcome: Intermediate Outcome
Family Engagement is "a full, equal, and equitable partnership among families, educators, and community partners to promote children’s learning and development from birth through college and career.ESEA Network. Eisenhower and Kerrick Elementary, strive to provide family engagement opportunities that fit this definition!
Over a 3 day weekend in April, Jefferson County 4-H partnered with the Jefferson County Public School Trauma Care Team, 4-H volunteers, Councilman Khalil Batshon, and parents from both Eisenhower and Kerrick Elementary for a JAM-PACKED weekend full of learning and family fun!
Friday the JCPS Trauma Team lead the day with family engagement activities. These activities help families to create a safe space for conversations and learn how to effectively communicate. The Trauma team provided activities and take-home exercises that helped to guide families to better collaboration. Saturday and Sunday was 2 full days of 4-H Camp “Family Style”. Families worked together on adventure hunts, rock climbing, and low rope exercises. Of course, they experienced the 4-H camp highlights such as nightly Sally, bonfires, and outdoor cooking!
After the program families completed an online survey. 100% of the participants (both youth and adult) felt this weekend supported family engagement. 89% of the participants experienced their first family outing with us. 92% indicated that the Trauma Team activities open new opportunities for family communication. 90% of the youth indicated they felt they created a better bond with their family. 80% expressed more interest in the 4-H Program and 90% wanted to participate in more family camping experiences.
We appreciate the Family Resource Center at Kerrick and Eisenhower Elementary for keeping the vision of family engagement in the forefront! We are looking forward to continuing programming with families and both schools. This could not have happened without our committed families and the support of A Plus Signs and Screen Printing LLC. for our t shirts!!
We thank you so much for partnering with us to make this weekend a special time for our families to learn, bond, and make memories!!
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