Success Story4-H Area Teen Roundup
4-H Area Teen Roundup
Author: Calyn Colston
Planning Unit: Calloway County CES
Major Program: Leadership
Plan of Work: 2023 4-H Developing Community Leaders
Outcome: Initial Outcome
Engaging teens in leadership and service based learning activities is becoming more difficult everyday. So, the West 1 & 2 Area Teen Council came together to offer a one-day, youth led, Area Teen Roundup event with the goals of recruiting new members to the Area Teen Council and exposing more teens to 4-H. A committee of teens was selected and they planned and taught the day's activities. During the event, 10 teens had the opportunity to teach a class they had planned. Classes taught in all core content areas of 4-H were: Ukulele, oil pastels, forensics, seeds, cooking, dance, science experiments, and leadership/teambuilding. In attendance were 42 teens from 7 different counties and they came together to implement a service project of assembling calligraphy grab bags for each county program to give away. All of the 4-H agents in West 1 & 2 came together to help the teen planning committee secure a location, register youth, and plan meals etc. Overall, the youth in attendance had the opportunity to increase their leadership and communication skills while having fun.
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